May 2nd – 4th 2025
4th Annual Heritage Field (KPTW) Fly-In Arrival and Departure Procedures
(Flyer Below)
Questions or camping reservations
please call: Jeffrey Heacock (610)495-7000
Arrival and Departure Procedures
- 4th Annual Heritage Field (KPTW) Fly-In: May 02-04, 2025. Pilots should expect increased VFR traffic during daylight hours within 10 NM of the airport area during these dates. Participating aircraft may not be equipped with ADS-B or were not originally certificated with an electrical system, or that have not subsequently been certified with such a system installed. Participating pilots are requested to communicate position/intentions (via installed or hand-held equipment) and operate all available aircraft lighting systems approaching/departing KPTW.
- Pilots intending to land at PTW should be prepared for the possibility of having to divert to an alternate airport. Preflight planning should include fuel reserves for this possibility.
- Pilots that do not have installed two-way radio communications capability on their aircraft are encouraged to utilize hand-held equipment for this purpose. This will facilitate position and pilot intention communications between aircraft and/or ATC.
- Unless otherwise instructed by ATC, all maneuvering to land or depart PTW should be accomplished North of Rwy 10/28. Do not overfly the power plant West of the airfield.
- Pilots with aircraft not ADS-B equipped, but with two-way radio communications capability and equipped with an appropriate operable coded radar beacon transponder, may be authorized by PHL ATC to enter the Mode-C Veil. However, if the PHL TRACON is unable, be prepared to enter the Mode-C veil and the KPTW traffic pattern under VFR rules via the prescribed entry points diagrammed below. Cross these entry points before entering the PHL Mode-C veil. The preceding also applies to aircraft operating in accordance with 14 CFR 91.215(d). This procedure has been coordinated with PHL ATCT and applies only to this Aviation Weekend at KPTW.
- Any aircraft which was not originally certificated with an engine-driven electrical system or which has not subsequently been certified with such a system installed, may conduct operations within 30 nautical miles of PHL, outside any Class B or Class C airspace area. See 14 CFR 91.215 and 91.225.
- KPTW ASOS:119.425; 610-495-0823 –KPTWCTAF/UNICOM122.700
PHL CLNC DELIVERY:800-354-9884
PHL APPR:126.85 (Class B: also see Arpt Directory or VFR Terminal Area Chart)
ABE APPR:119.65 124.45
RDG APPR:125.15
- Traffic pattern Rwy 10: Left. Traffic pattern Rwy 28: Right.
- Consistent with safety of flight and orderly arrival/departure for this occasion, unless otherwise instructed by ATC, pilots are required to enter the traffic pattern/depart the airport via the following points:
- From the West: Martin Stone Quarries (40 21’ 41” N, 75 38’ 02” W – PTW345/09).Arrive at 2500 MSL: descent at pilots’ discretion to pattern altitude. Approximate heading to airport 164 M.
- From the East: Green Lane Park spillway (40 20’ 29” N, 75 28’ 44” W – PTW037/08). Arrive at 2500 MSL: descent at pilots’ discretion to pattern altitude. Approximate heading to airport 219 M.
- VFR departure Rwy 10: Fly heading 092, climbing to 1500 MSL. Proceed to the Rts 29 and 73 bridge over the Perkiomen Creek. Turn left, heading 360 toward the Greenlane Park spillway and clear of the Mode-C veil. Continue on course to destination.
- VFR departure Rwy 28: Fly heading 276 climbing to 900’ MSL. Continue climb to 1800’ MSL until 7NM West of the airport and clear of the Mode-C veil. Continue on course to destination.
- When arriving/departing KPTW, pilots should be aware of the Philadelphia Glider Council at Philadelphia Gliderport (3PA2) and Skydive Philadelphia skydiving operations at Pennridge Airport (CKZ) and plan route of flight to avoid pertinent areas.
- Aircraft parking will be on the South side of the airport. Follow marshaller’s directions.
Note:This web page does not constitute a waiver of any Federal Aviation rules or regulations. Itdoes not constitute a waiver of any state law or local ordinance.